How bad do you want it? Honestly…

Do you practice everyday?  Everyday.

Do you think about it morning, noon and night?

Do you meet people who are doing what you want to do?

Are you creating/achieving something new at least once a week?

Are you asking for help and wisdom from those who came before you?

Do you follow everything you’ve read/seen/learned?  Even if just to see how it works (or doesn’t work).

Do you see the world from the eyes of what you want to be?

Have you hit any walls?  If SO, how are you getting over them?  If you haven’t hit any walls, why not?

Do you tell everyone you meet about what you do?

Have you shown people what it is that you do?

Do you feel like you are “ready?”  If SO, start!   if NOT, start anyway because you’ll never be “ready.”

Have you fallen flat on your face?  If SO, how did you get back up?  If haven’t fallen flat on your face, try harder.

Have people not liked or talk s*** about what you do?  If SO, how did you tune them out?  If NOT, not enough people know about your work.

Are you willing to put in 16 – 20 hour “shifts”?

Are you willing to eat noodles everyday while you build yourself and your business?

Are you willing to flirt with eviction?

Have you gotten turned down or fired?  If SO, good.  Keep going.  If NOT, you aren’t knocking on enough doors.

Would you do it for free?

Would you pay to do it?

How bad do you really want to make it in your industry?

How bad do I really want it?

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